Engaging K-12 Students
Students from the Greater Lafayette region are eligible to attend one of the many career awareness programs powered by Greater Lafayette Commerce.
Exposing Youth to High Skill, High Demand Careers
Greater Lafayette Commerce plans several programs that engage educators and students in grades K-12. The programs span across the Greater Lafayette region and provide the opportunity to learn more about high tech advanced manufacturing and logistics careers. In 2018, we exposed 1,600+ area students to manufacturing.
Learn more about our programs:
Manufacturing Week
Registration is open for #MFGWEEK25. During this week we provide cool events that highlight the many opportunities and career paths available in advanced manufacturing. The programs include hands-on experiences for younger kids, as well as activities and tours of manufacturing facilities for high school students. There is no cost to attend. Click to learn more.
Robotics in Manufacturing Camp
Robotics in Manufacturing Camp consists of several week-long sessions that educate students about the applications of new technology in modern manufacturing using programmable robotic equipment, 3D printing and other Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education programs. There is no cost to attend the camps.
Greater Lafayette Career+
All students deserve equitable access to an education that nurtures, develops, and empowers them to reach their full potential. Greater Lafayette Commerce has partnered with area schools, Ivy Tech, and regional employers in an ecosystem that helps students “connect the dots” between their education and a career. By aligning education standards with high-demand skills, the Greater Lafayette Career+™ Ecosystem will enhance and grow local and regional opportunities for students in grades K-12.
Manufacturing Month
Join us for Manufacturing Awareness & Career Exploration in your classroom on a singular digital platform. Use the curriculum over the course of one month or throughout the school year. During the first week, your students will dive into the world of design as it is used in manufacturing. The second week your students will learn about the production floor processes and methods for the physical creation of manufactured items. In third week, your students will learn about transportation and the role it plays in manufacturing. Finally, in the last week, your students will learn about careers that support manufacturing companies.
Equipping Youth with Coding Skills
CoderDojo is a coding club for ages 7 – 17. We have several clubs throughout the region. All clubs teach coding and programming but offer additional fun activities to teach about robotics, circuitry and more. There is no cost to attend.
C2E Construction Expo
Builders Association of Greater Lafayette hosts C2EXPO each year to learn about careers in construction.
Tippecanoe Building Trades Summer Camp
Tippecanoe Building Trades hosts a Building Trades Council Expo during each summer. Students aged 14 – 25 and educators in these career pathways can attend expo events from each Union in our region every Tuesday throughout the summer.
For more information, contact:
Kara Webb
Workforce Development Director
(765) 742-4044
Paul Moses
VP Economic & Workforce Development
(765) 742-4044