$30 million grant will help region capture talent
The Greater Lafayette Region is on the cusp of something big!
On December 15, at 4 p.m., at the Indiana Economic Development Corporation Board Meeting, Gov. Eric Holcomb announced that Greater Lafayette will receive $30 million to fund projects in the Regional Economic Development Plan
created this past summer. You can find the plan and more information here: greaterlafayetteind.com/READI
The $30 million awarded to Greater Lafayette was part of the READI announcement of $500 million allocated across the state of Indiana. The governor’s plan is to increase quality-of-place and quality-of-life spending to enable regions around the state to compete for talent from across the United States and around the world.
As a destination for talent, Greater Lafayette has a head start. With Purdue University and the great companies that are well established in our region, people already make their way here from around the world. The Regional Development Plan with the READI Funds will accelerate that trend and help all of the participating counties — Benton, Fountain, Warren, Carroll, White and Tippecanoe — capture some of that growth.

While the ultimate decision on project funding will reside with the Greater Lafayette Regional Board of Representatives and has yet to be finalized, these were a few of the top ranked projects:
► Runway for Growth: LAF airport expansion to bring
commercial air service to Greater Lafayette;
► Supporting Our Families: Expanding high-quality
childcare across the region;
► Smart Relocations and Welcoming Veterans: Two projects
to attract talent to Greater Lafayette;
► A Place to Call Home: Greater Lafayette Residential
Development Plan; and
► Wabash River Greenways: Investments in trail systems around the Wabash River.
The process to create the Regional Development Plan over the course of the summer was the first time that the regional mayors and representatives from each county commission worked
together. Greater Lafayette Commerce was proud to serve as the organizer. It was an unprecedented level of collaboration, and the group will continue to work over the next four years to bring the projects in the plan to life and work together to make this place,
this region, Greater! ★
Scott Walker is the President and CEO of Greater Lafayette Commerce.